
Pat’s Gym Get Cut Plan


Before beginning the Get Cut Plan especially if you have health conditions that can be impacted by changes in diet or exercise programs seek the advice of a medical professional. When embarking on any training program we also urge clients to start slowly and gradually, and to consult with a medical professional. Results will vary depending on the individual, but with strict adherence to the diet all clients will see results in 35 days.
In paying the fee for the Get Cut Plan, the client is purchasing a revocable license to use the plan for the client’s sole use. The client agrees not to share or distribute the Get Cut Plan to any third party without the express written consent of Pat’s Gym. Pat’s Gym reserves the right to revoke the license without limitation and demand that the plan be returned.

Pat's Gym Get Cut Plan
Plan to Feel Better and Look Lean for the Holidays

If you go all in and follow the Get Cut Plan, looking lean or having that six-pack can be a reality. The Get Cut Plan is an all inclusive workout, recovery and diet program that takes 35 days to achieve noticeable results. You can stay with the Get Cut Plan longer to achieve maximum results. However, the plan is not a long-term lifestyle workout plan or diet.

The program is designed for someone who is already in good shape but wants to lose body fat. The Get Cut Plan is a program that is not for those who are not dedicated to achieving results. The program is easier than you may think, but you must be 100% committed. No cheat on eating. No cheating on workouts. You will see results!

The Get Cut Plan will be part of your workouts at Pat’s Gym or you can incorporate it into your workouts away from the gym. At Pat’s Gym, we will hold you accountable. If you can’t come in, you have to be committed and hold yourself accountable. However, Pat is available to answer your questions via email.

Get Cut Plan’s Three Components

Workouts: The Get Cut Plan requires workouts nearly every day for five weeks. Many days you will be asked to do two workouts. The workouts are focused on burning fat as well as fine turning body aesthetics. Workouts will involve power and strength endurance activities because the main goal is to burn fat with an emphasis on aesthetics. Your afternoon/evening aerobic/cardio sessions will be done at an easy pace to continue burning calories without making you hungry. In addition, this type of easy pace aerobic activity will assist in recovery.

Recovery: At Pat’s Gym we strongly encourage our clients to include recovery in their workout routine. I can’t over emphasize how important recovery is as a tool in any workout program. Recovery is critical for success of all athletes. However, recovery is particularly important with the Get Cut Plan because the workouts are intense. You will need to strictly follow the six proper ways to recover that Pat describes in the Plan to successfully keep up with the vigorous schedule.

Diet: The diet that you will be following with the Get Cut Plan will provide you with foods that will sustain your workouts but will minimize calories, especially fats or empty calories that provide little energy or nutrition. You will be provided with recipes that are easy to prepare and taste good. However, the diet is not one that you should follow long-term. It is a diet intended to get you learn quickly, but it is not intended to be sustained. The diet can also teach you how to control bad impulses and how food directly impacts working out. Specifically, the diet will give you insight into how you can control your eating habits for future success.