
Crave Sugar? Follow these Helpful Hints to Stop Those Cravings

DSC09778Many people have a sweet tooth and have problems staying away from sugar. With willpower and discipline, it’s easy to stay away from added sugar, which includes staying clear of those candy bars, vending machines, ice cream bars, and other obvious calorie-laden desserts. In this post, I will provide you tips to help stop those cravings. In two weeks, I will provide you the reasons you want to stay away from added sugar to your diet.

If you drink too much caffeine, that could be a problem. A recent study found that caffeine can switch up your taste buds so that you perceive foods as less sweet than it actually is. If you can’t taste sweetness, you’re more likely to consume more of those sweet foods to feel satisfied. This was a preliminary study, but if you feel like you want something sweet after drinking your coffee or tea, you may want to consume less of it.

I recently wrote a post about a study that concluded that artificial sweeteners may create a chemical reaction that may tend to make you eat more food. In addition, artificial sweeteners are many times sweeter than sugar which trains your taste buds to want hyper sweet foods. So, if you find that you need more sugar to feel satisfied you may be overdoing the artificial sweeteners. One study concluded that “artificial sweeteners, precisely because they are sweet, encourage sugar cravings and sugar dependence.”

Lastly, I always encourage my athletes to stay away from high-glycemic foods. High glycemic foods such as processed white bread, pastries, crackers and cookies cause blood sugar to spike soon after consuming them. They will most likely cause a sugar high, followed by a sugar low. The sugar low will cause your body to feel low energy, which you may react to it by seeking a high sugar treat. Therefore, you want to eat low glycemic carbs, such as whole grain foods or veggies, that will keep your energy level stable so you don’t experience a sugar high, and the subsequent sugar crash. High glycemic foods, being high in fiber, will also make you feel fuller meaning you won’t want to snack.