
February Monthly Challenge

This’s month’s monthly challenge will favor no one (size, age or gender), but will show you where you need to focus to obtain maximum functional fitness. The challenge is as follows, where the winner will have the shortest time, and ensure you’re focused on perfect form:

  • 10 Pull-ups or bodyweight rows if you can’t do pull-ups
  • 20 Walks outs to plank and back up to full extension
  • 30 KB swings 55/35#
  • 40 Feet anchored sit-ups
  • 50 Calories Ski
  • 60 Burpees
  • 10 Pull-ups or bodyweight rows if you can’t do pull-ups

We recommend doing it once at the beginning of the month, maybe once in the middle of the month, and once at the end of the month to see how you’ve improved. You may want to add in some of these exercises to your warm-ups or cool-downs to help you improve during the month.

The January Monthly Challenge was a great one to determine aerobically what type of shape you’re in. It was in the format of an Every Minute on the Minute (“EMOM”). The January Monthly Challenge was:

  • 2x Bodyweight in meters on the BikeErg with the remaining time doing KB Goblet Squats at 50% of your body weight.
  • The time was up when you reached 100 squats
    • So, if you weight 165#’s, then you had 1 min to achieve 330m and the remaining time you had to do the goblet squats
  • Every beginning of every minute, you had to go back to the bike and do 330m, and then with the remaining time you had to do the goblet squats (KB Goblet squats @ 50% bodyweight and you can use 2 KB’s to make up the weight in the rack position).
  • The winner was determined based on that athlete having the best time.

Our winners for the January 2018 Monthly Challenge were Dan Culhane for men with a time of 10:56, and Erin Haroldson for women with a time of 7:03.