
Food Myths that are Wrong!

DSC09556There are many fables about food that are just that: fables and stories that are not based on fact.  Here are a few to illustrate why you should be educated on what you’re eating and drinking.

  • Fruit is as bad as candy – Candy is made from refined sugars or processed corn syrup. You should stay away from refined sugars because they pack no nutritional value, other than dead carbs and calories. While fruit is a natural sugar it has a lot of nutritional values, in addition to water and fiber. Also, fruit’s naturally occurring sugar is less concentrated than other sweet foods. Interestingly a recent Harvard study found that more than 130,000 adults who ate an extra daily serving of fruit shed an additional half a pound over a four-year period. Some research even shows that compared to veggies, fruit may have a more powerful effect on lowering weight. This result may be explained by that fact that fruits tend to replace high-calorie treats. I would recommend limiting your servings to maybe two a day unless you’re very active.
  • Fats make you fat – If you’re eating saturated fats and trans fats, it will make you fat and cause you to be unhealthy. However, eating the right fats is a smart strategy for weight loss. Healthy fats are satiating. They keep you full longer. In addition, plant-based fats such as olive/avocado oils, avocado, and nuts increase appetite-suppressing hormones. In addition, plant fats also reduce inflammation and boost your metabolism.
  • Eating after your workout makes your workout less effective – Nothing can be further from the truth. You should consume food after your workout. Working out takes a toll on your body, and you need to get nutrients back into your cells. Eating clean, organic and whole foods into your body will help it heal and repair the muscles you have just ripped down. This recovery process will help you maintain muscle mass, boost your metabolism and help you feel less sore the next day. Contact me if you want to know how to eat for the different types of workouts we will do throughout a week.
  • You should only eat protein and no carbs or fats – You need to eat knowledgeably for your goals. All macros – proteins, carbs, and fats – have their place in a healthy body. You need to strike a balance, deepening on your goals. Protein is great to maintain, heal and repair your muscles. You don’t want to consume too much protein because it can prevent weight loss and cause weight gain. Also, you want to make sure that your proteins are coming from healthy sources, such as grass-fed beef, and wild fish.  You want to make sure you get enough carbs for energy. Make sure the carbs are low glycemic for the most part and stay away from refined carbs.  Also, you need fats to keep your body healthy and operating efficiently. You may want to check out my past posts on carbs and whether or not they are created equally.