
How to look ripped

Everyone wants to be ripped and have a six-pack. The problem is no one wants to do the work to actually get there. Everyone has an excuse and I’m tired of hearing them. We give realistic goals to every client that walks through the gym doors. If it took you a year to add that extra 15 pounds in your belly, it is going to take about the same time to get back to where you started. If you come in wanting the results instantly, you will be disappointed and set yourself up for failure.

How to look rippedThe first step to getting ripped is finding the right diet. To truly get a six-pack, you need some type of calorie restriction. Your diet only needs to fuel your workout efforts and recovery. Most of your calories should be centered and fueled around your workouts. If you’re doing power endurance, you need some carbohydrates. If you’re doing a strength workout, fuel it with more fats and proteins. Recovery workouts can be in a fasted state.

You need to be broken so you can come back stronger and give your maximum effort. We create an environment where you will fail in front of people you train with. By failing, you will trust one another and me. Once you have trust, you are willing to go all in and everyone holds each other accountable. People in the group know when you partied too hard the night before or didn’t eat well. If you chose to do that, you will get smashed in the gym. We are not going to go easy on you because you have a hangover. In fact, we will make you feel like shit on purpose. There is a reason someone is keeping that shirt on during a hard workout.

Accountability, standards and environment are important. You become who you hang around. Hard work and discipline is contagious. If you are hanging around fat people,chances are you are fat. If most of your friends are ripped, chances are you are ripped. It is harsh but it is the truth.

Skip the isolated training and add functional strength. You will be healthier in the long run and be able to do anything while looking ripped. The training should be transferable to everyday tasks. You should look great and feel great.

People need to be tested constantly. Without a test, there is no fear. You need fear to ensure 100 percent effort. Challenges expose weakness and reward progress. The more you succeed at a test, the more you are able to push through difficult life situations. If you never test your progress, you will stall and get too comfortable.

Don’t get so caught up on a program or over thinking. Just get in the gym and work hard. Chances are you probably just need some discipline and hard work. Most of the time it’s not the tools that make the difference, but the way you use the tools. You need to take responsibility for your actions and commitment. Only you know if you performed your best or if you gave up during your workout. You are only hurting yourself if you do not fully commit. Add in plenty of strength, strength endurance, power endurance, intervals, mental toughness and competition.

Focus on the perfect form and full range of motion. It might be hard on the ego at first but with time and dedication it will pay off. You will look better in the long run and your body will stay healthy.

Recovery is key. If you want to train hard you need to recover. To ensure proper intensity you need 8-9 hours of sleep, foam roller sessions, massage therapy, acupuncture, ice baths and hot/cold showers. You can’t over train, you can only under recover.

At first results will come fast with constant workouts, but as you get in better shape, you will have to refine your program and diet. Everyone starts somewhere and everything works up to a certain point. Figure out what you really want and what you are willing to do to get there.

We are happy to give you the resources but we are not willing to do the work for you.