
Recovery – It’s all personal, so what’s recovery to one, isn’t recovery to all!

DSC06919It’s important to be yourself and listen to your body. For recovery workouts, it’s no different. What’s recovery for one person may be the hardest day in the world for another? Don’t try to be someone else in life or in the gym. Go out there and do what’s optimal and best for yourself to improve.

Most of my workouts start with a structural warm-up and I add in specific movements that I need to focus on. A deadlift exercise in the warm-up is one of the best ways to increase your DL performance while doing a specific recovery that doesn’t tax your central nervous system. The Turkish Get Up is one of the best total body corrective exercises, while the bike will promote blood flow.

On this workout, I incorporated all three exercises into my recovery workout. You should try this one. I felt renewed and refreshed for the next day.

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