
Recovery Tool

DSC06946I am always looking for new ways to recover. One great way to get the blood flowing into sore muscles is rolling out. I have always used the knobby roller, and that is my staple routine every night. I have a video in the Pat’s Gym website Exercise Library called “Foam Rolling 101” that explains the best way to roll out. However, I have recently discovered a great recovery tool that supplements the knobby roller; they are products created by Hyperice. They have spheres that vibrate, rollers that vibrate, and a great belt that vibrates and has a heating element. The vibrating element in it is very strong and will definitely help relax the muscles, and get the blood flowing. I even use the vibrating sphere on my psoas to loosen it up. I’ve contacted Hyperice and have gotten Pat’s Gym athletes a 30% discount on all products. When you check out you can indicate under the code PG30 and you will receive 30% off of the product. If you try out their products, let me know what you think!