
Science behind nutrition

It’s important to know the science behind nutrition. Sometimes the science will rebut what seems obvious, so make food selections with care. Here are a few fun facts, that are counter-intuitive, which illustrate my point: be educated and eat with knowledge!

Sometimes you have to eat more, to eat less

When you’re hungry, sometimes a few cookies, pretzels, or a donut sounds great. However, that type of food and in a small quantity may make you hungrier, than if you eat something more substantial. When you eat a small number of carbohydrates, it will spike your blood sugar and leave you craving more carbs. However, if you ate something more substantial – something with protein and fats – it will leave you feeling fuller and will help you stay full longer. Therefore, you may eat more calories upfront, but over a longer period of time you will end up eating less. Fats and proteins keep you feeling fuller longer and will satisfy you more than carbs.

When you’re tired, stay away from caffeine

It seems natural that when you’re tired you want caffeine – and a lot of it. So, if you think that 5 – 6 cups of coffee, or that caffeine-loaded energy drink will wake you up, think again. Caffeine is a stimulant, so it will get you going. However, massive amounts of caffeine only provide a very short-term effect and come with bad side effects such as nervousness, irritability and an edge due to the increased heartbeat. Plus, if you are drinking an energy drink or coffee with sugar, then get ready for the sugar spike which will lead to the sugar crash, which will leave you wanting more energy. Therefore, when you’re tired stay away from a lot of caffeine and energy drinks. Power through the day, drink a ton of water, and you’ll get through it.

Feeling bloated from liquids? Then drink water…..

Sometimes all of us will feel bloated, either from water or even eating; especially if you’re on a high-fiber diet. Well, I always say drink more water. Water will help flush out the fiber, or toxins and it should help you feel better. Dehydration will cause you to feel bloated and drinking more water will help. When you’re dehydrated, your body will retain water as a self-defense mechanism which will cause bloating. Drinking water will help relieve the puffiness that dehydration can cause.

Want to lose weight? Then don’t drink that diet soda!

I have written a blog about artificial sweeteners, and how they work against losing weight. However, it’s important to remember that studies show that overweight and obese adults who drank diet beverages ate more calories from food than those who drank regular soda. Another study has found that diet soda drinkers had a 70% greater increase in waist circumference than non-drinkers over the course of about 10 years. 

Also, remember when a food item is “low fat,” “low sugar” or “light,” it means that something was taken out and something else is added in – such as sugar – to make it taste good. So be aware and be informed.