
Test yourself at least quarterly to help you plan your fitness journey.

I am always trying to test myself to see where my next focus of training will be. I am always looking for weaknesses or imbalances to correct. This is a great test to uncover my weaknesses. You can do this test with a cardio piece of equipment and a strength movement.

In this test, I wanted to see consistency between energy systems of moving light to medium/heavy loads. I have used this test previously. I have a base, and see how I am progressing. Each time I take the test, and compared with past data, I can see if there are glaring holes in my armor.

At the end of this workout you should have a chart of reps per minute, and note any inconsistency your training system. Take the total accumulated reps and divide by 30, this is your average score. Then take each section of differing weights and divide by the total number in that section with the time allotted, given the time period, the difference should not be too drastic. This data will show if you need to cycle lighter weights more frequently or heavy weights more frequently. Give it a try and then flip flop the test loading lightly for the first 15min and ending with a heavy 5min, if the numbers don’t add up you have a pretty good idea of what is weak.

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