
The Monthly Challenge 

The January Monthly Challenge will be a great way to start off the year and to see exactly what type of shape you’rein. The Challenge will be in the format of an Every Minute on the Minute (“EMOM”). It will test your overall fitness. The January Monthly Challenge is:

2x Bodyweight in meters on the BikeErg with the remaining time doing KB Goblet Squats at 50% of your body weight.
The time is done when you reach 100 squats
So, if you weight 165#’s, then you have 1 min to achieve 330m and the remaining time you will do the goblet squats
Every beginning of every minute, you will go back to the bike and do 330m, and then with the remaining time you will do the goblet squats (KB Goblet squats @ 50% bodyweight and you can use 2 KB’s to make up the weight in the rack position)
This is a good workout to see aerobically, and functional-fitness wise, what type of shape you’re in. This is a great workout to do at the beginning of January, and then at the end of January to see how much you’ve improved.
Last month’s challenge was the 12 Days of Christmas. It was a festive, but fun workout. It consisted of the following:

1 GTS 100/70# SB
2 DL with 100/70# SB
3 Man Makers 2×30/2×15 dbs
4 Burpee Box Jumps 20”
5 Pull Ups
6 Weighted Walking lunges 30/20# (each side)
7 calories ski
8 KBS 70/40#
9 TTH or KTE
10 Push Ups
11 Weighted deck squats 30/20#
12 Wall Walks

The workout is done just as ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’ song is sung.
Every 3mins you stopped and did 6/10 calories on the bike (females do 6 calories and men do 10 calories). There was a 60min cap on time. The time it took to complete the challenge was the score. The winners of December’s Monthly challenge were:  Brian Ross with a time of 34:31min for men, and Gretchen with a time of 29:02min for women. Congrats!