
Turn your world upside down, in a good way, with handstands! You can do it!

Many people stay away from handstands because that movement can seem intimidating. But, don’t let that deter you. Make sure you have the fundamentals down, and you should be fine. 

Once you have strict push-ups, dips, negative HSPU’s, and single arm heavy Z-presses down you are ready for HSPU. To perfect that movement it is important to add in plenty of supplemental upper body development and there are ways to progress fast doing certain movements.

There are several ways to think about skill development. Take a look at these concepts for the handstand push up skill – perfect to work on during your time at home:

  • Non-complimentary skill pairings can be a way to add some fatigue to your HSPU skill work by paring with a movement that provides some direct fatigue and challenge to the HSPU movement itself
  • Core focused exercises paired with HSPU are a great way to fatigue the midline and force you to work harder on your HSPU.

Here are two workouts that I incorporate the core with HSPU’s to fatigue the midline:

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