
vitamin D3

DSC05447I have written posts on Vitamin D3 before, but recently there was a study that reinforced the benefits of Vitamin D3. Vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common deficiencies in the world. This deficiency can really lower your fitness gains.

The study I’m talking about was recently released by Scottish researchers. They gave people 2000 units of Vitamin D3 every day for 14 days. They noted dramatic big differences in various tests between the placebo group and the subjects taking Vitamin D3. Those differences showed up in the areas of endurance, perceived exertion, cortisol, cortisol/cordisone ratio, and blood pressure. Participants were asked to do 20 minutes of hard cycling on an ergometer, before and after taking Vitamin D3. The results confirmed what I always believed.

Specifically, the test confirmed that:

The Vitamin D3 group cycled a greater distance than the placebo group
The Vitamin D3 group felt less tired after cycling
The Vitamin D3 group had lower resting and active systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which is to be strived for