
April Newsletter

zz BT9O9247aApril at Pat’s Gym is always a very busy month. Spring Break is out of the way for most of our athletes, the focus now is on getting ready for summer and fall competitions. In addition, our athletes are focused on recalibrating their goals to see what needs to be tweaked with 3 months under their belt of training in 2017.



Spring Break Feedback – I got a lot of great feedback from our athletes that Online Coaching showed during the various Spring Break adventures that were experienced. A couple of our athletes said that they took beach vacations, and it was easier to walk up and down the beach because they had shed excess fat, and had lean muscles to show off. A couple of our athletes went skiing. One skiing athlete said that it was easy to ski 6 – 7 hours a day, and the other said that aerobically he was prepared for the altitude and physical exertion.




Athlete Highlight – Alison – The athlete I want to highlight for 2017, has worked with me for the past 5+ years. She has a great overall athlete. She has competed successfully in marathons, triathlons and other races. Last year, she won the World Championships for the Concept2 8th Annual SkiErg World Spring for her age group. When you see her at Pat’s Gym, and she is an Online Coaching athlete, as well as attends classes regularly, say hello to her and see how it’s done!





Training for Summer/Fall Activities – If you are planning on training for a summer or fall competition, stop wasting your time by training alone. There is not a lot of time left for training, so you want to maximize your goals with the time you have left. Training with a coach at Pat’s Gym will definitely improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your training. Check out our coaches’ bios and see which coach is right for you. We have trained athletes for all types of competitions, and our athletes competed very effectively. Come try it!




Monthly Challenge –The April Monthly challenge is 60 kick sits (30 per side) as fast as possible. You need to get full extension and touch your butt on the ground each time. You must alternate between each leg and keep both hands in contact with the ground
Congratulations to the March Monthly Challenge winners who are Dan Jagla with a count of 215 reps and Gretchen with a count of 246 reps. The March Monthly Challenge helped our athletes determine their strengths and areas of opportunities to focus improving. The March Monthly Challenge was:
1:08 min total
Single hand KB set
34sec snatches on each side (R/L)
34sec swings on each side (R/L)
34sec press on each side (R/L)
34sec squat (while holding a rack hold)
34sec reverse lunge (while holding a rack hold) (R/L)
34 sec of each movement once consecutively 1:08 total time for the exercise,
Complete both the left and the right hand without letting the bell touch the ground.  Every time it drops you owe 10 burpees at the end. You have to complete all of one side and then move on to the other side.
Females use 20# KB
Males use 40# KB
Winner is the most reps (you have to be equal on both sides so if you do 50 reps on the left side and you get 60 on the right your score is 100)