The CrossFit Games – Don’t Miss Them!
The CrossFit Games are truly inspirational. The Games are starting this week and they will be extra interesting this year after having one of the top athletes train in our gym for the past 5 months. We will be teaming up with some amazing brands, as well as hosting special events in Pat’s Gym throughout the week. Roza will be behind the scenes again this year as a translator. We will be posting more throughout the Games, so check out our IG pages and see what the events are all about.

How To Include Your Kids In Your Workouts
School is out, summer travel is happening, people are visiting, and schedules are a bit different than normal. For many parents, the built-in day care called school is no longer an option and since we don’t want to grant kids any more screen time than we have to, one might want to consider incorporating your kids into your workout routine.
Check out the full article Pat published for Rhone about working out with your kids:

The August Monthly Challenge – This month’s challenge is a special one and inspired by the CrossFit games being in town. Roman created this one and is excited to see how fast individuals can complete it. The winner will not only win a Pat’s Gym hoodie but a pack of Unbroken which is an amazing supplement that Roza, Pat, and Roman use daily.
Here are the rules:
Death by Thrusters
Do one thruster every minute on the minute
Start with 1 rep, add 1 rep every minute until you can’t make the time limit
The second minute you will do 2 reps, the third minute you will do 3 reps, etc.….
Males weight 95lb
Females weight 63lb
The July Monthly Challenge – The July Monthly challenge was a tough one, but incredibly rewarding. It was great fun, and amazing to be competing with athletes from all around the world. The challenge was the BikeErg World Sprints. It was a virtual indoor cycling championship modeled after the successful SkiErg World Sprints. We had a great showing and placed respectably worldwide.
The winners of the Pat’s Gym July Monthly Challenge were Kenny with a time of 6:13.4, and Katie with a time of 7:19.4. Great job!