Well, it’s here; fall is already in full swing, and winter is before us. Make sure you set yourself up for success. You still have enough time to create healthy habits that will carry you through winter and into the spring. Come in and take a series of private sessions, participate in classes or work with a coach through Online Coaching.

Creating Habits Now For The Winter
Struggling to maintain the exercise routine you managed to perfect in the summer months? You’re not alone. Getting yourself into the gym or heading out for a run on cold dark mornings and evenings takes a lot more motivation than it might do in July. Here are some tips to become the best version of yourself in the winter months:
- Make a plan you have to stick to
Just as with most things, setting out a plan to your goals is a great way to stay motivated.
Instead of waiting for New Year’s resolutions, start now to set those goals. Whether it’s to feel better about yourself, change your body or even just de-stress. Once those goals are set, create a plan to get there even if it’s just adding the workouts into your calendar – it’ll give those sessions more importance.
- Stay inside
Cold weather outside does not mean you can’t exercise, even if you don’t have a gym membership. You can easily workout in your very own home with just your own bodyweight.
At Pat’s Gym we offer online coaching so you can train anywhere to reach your goals.
- Book a class, training session or join a gym
It is arguably the best time ever to be a fitness fanatic right now with so many fun and interesting classes at our disposal. Not only will heading to a class or training session seem much more appealing than running along a cold road, but the cancellation fee is great motivation to get you there on time! Making new friends, meeting old ones or setting group goals – it really helps to keep you motivated.
- Buddy up
Just as with joining a gym, agreeing to exercise with a friend gives you an incentive (other than exercise) to do something active. Motivating yourself through these dark months can be tough, so, think about buddying up with a friend. It will help change your perspective of working out to something a little more enjoyable and sociable. It’s also much more difficult to cancel on a friend than to just decide not to go yourself.
- Remind yourself why it’s important
In those moments when you have to climb out of a warm, cozy bed and head into the cold, it can be difficult to remember how great you will feel afterwards. Exercising on those dark cold days will actually help boost your body’s ‘feel good’ endorphins to help blast away those winter blues. Exercising has been found to boost your body’s serotonin, norepinephrine and stress response to help induce a natural state of calm leading into the hectic festive period.
That’s motivation enough.
- Be kind to yourself and your body
It’s much harder to stay motivated when you don’t take enough time to relax and recover, leaving you feeling tired and sluggish. When you get back from a fitness session, treat yourself to a hot bath with some salts to soothe tired and aching muscles. Also, it’s very important to make sure you’re getting enough sleep. We will help teach you recovery techniques at Pat’s Gym to help you train harder and longer.

Dane County Food Collective
We have created a strong relationship with the Dane County Food Collective and we are thriving with Industry Wellness Classes at Pat’s Gym. We have seen firsthand the importance of health in the food and beverage industry and excited to make a difference in the Madison community. If you know individuals in the food industry let them know about the Pat’s Gym community to attend free classes on Monday and Thursday at 9:30am.

October Monthly Challenge
This month’s challenge is a fun one, and everyone can do it!
Max pull ups in 5mins
Set the timer and see how many pull ups you can get
*Chin must go over the bar and you must get full extension at the bottom position
*You can use any grip
*You can kip
*You can’t use butterfly style
The winners of the Pat’s Gym September Monthly Challenge were Danny and Alex. Great work!